Covid -19 Corona virus disease Pandemic

During the changing and evolving situation with Covid – 19 Phoenix Group Aust Pty Ltd.  is committed in maintain essential services at this very crucial time.  Everyone’s health and safety are of utmost importance to us.

We have been moving quickly from the start to promote and facilitate social distancing within our company the best way we can.

We acknowledge that during the pandemic, Maintenance and cleaning services like ours have become very important in keeping your facilities clean and disinfected for the health of your employees and your business.  It is for this reason, Phoenix Group Aust Pty Ltd.  Continues the same level as well as a higher increased method of disinfection and sterilization in our cleaning procedures in order to combat the transmission of Covid-19.

Phoenix Group Aust Pty Ltd. we are here for all your concerns.

Our Services Include:

We are offering a 24/7 services and we are ready to support your business and home with our dedicated employees to ensure a better clean and disinfected work environment.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any help and support.